• Saturday 8 July 2017

    How to Grow Melon and Cantaloupe, Growing Your Own Melons at Home

    How to Grow Cantaloupe

    Follow these tips on how to grow cantaloupe to start cantaloupe from seed or seedling and care for them until harvest.

    How to Grow Alvaro Melon

    65 days. A French Charentais type of melon, Alvaro packs a delectable, true cantaloupe flavor and was one of the earliest melons to mature in our trials.

    How to Grow Melons in a Greenhouse

    When growing melons in an unheated greenhouse you will have three options. The plants can either be container grown, planted straight into the ground, or grown on using a grow bag.

    Growing Cantaloupe and Honeydew Melons

    Growing cantaloupe and honeydew melons at home is so rewarding, as these fruits offer an explosive taste that doesn’t compare to their store-bought cousins.

    How to Grow Cantaloupe

    This easy growing specialty melon can be direct sown after all danger of frost, or started indoors 3-4 weeks before setting out. Melons take some space to grow and vine, so leave enough room for cantaloupe to spread.

    Container Grown Cantaloupe: Care Of Cantaloupe In Pots

    If you want to grow cantaloupe in pots, there are a few caveats you should know prior to planting your container grown cantaloupes.

    TOP 10 Tips and Advice on How to Grow Cantaloupes

    This heat-loving fruits with a long growing season are also known as Muskmelons and are well known for their net-like, tan rind, and sweet orange flesh. Cantaloupes are members of the cucurbit family of plants (Cucurbitaceae) that also includes cucumbers, pumpkins, squashes, gourds, and a long list of melons. They are easy to grow specialty melons with hundreds of variaties to choose from.

    How To Grow Cantaloupe From Seeds To Harvest

    You can start your cantaloupe seeds indoors to get started earlier in the growing season.
    All you have to do is plant the cantaloupe seeds in seed starters.
    This can typically be done around 3 weeks before the last frost of the season.
    Cantaloupes prefer warm soil.

    Growing Cantaloupe in Containers

    Yes, you can grow cantaloupe in a container. If you love this sweet melon and you don’t really have a garden spot to grow your own, just pick up a couple of rather large containers and you can grow enough to last you all summer.

    Growing Cantaloupe Everything You Need to Know

    Growing cantaloupe is one of my favorites about summer gardening. I don’t grow a lot of fruit in my garden the rest of the year but growing cantaloupe is a MUST for our family.

    I like this one for melons, tie your sling supports to the bars to let the melons rest in as they grow.

    Melon trellis using palette

    30 Second Guide to Growing Melons

    Melons are a versatile family, with very different flavors. Watermelons, honeydew melons, and cantaloupes are all great melons to learn to grow. They need a lot of space, and a lot of water, so to avoid crowding out or drowning other plants, you should plant melons in their own private neighborhood.

    If you are planning to plant cucumbers, melons, and beans in your garden, you can build a trellis

    15 Gardening Tips for Growing Melons

    Melons are some of the most popular fruits grown on the vine in the U.S. Many backyard gardens feature melons as a favorite late summer and early fall harvest treat.

    Everything you ever wanted to know about growing melons and caring for melons. Read this and grow the best melons ever.

    Fresh Melons are ready to Harvest!

    How to Grow Melons: Go Vertical

    Grow Cantaloupe Vertically And Get A Lot of Tasty Fruit From A Small Footprint

    One of the other benefits of the mesh bags is that when a cantaloupe is perfectly ripe, it will separate from it’s vine.  Should the cantaloupe reach complete ripeness before you harvest it, that beautiful melon will separate from the vine due to the fact that it is hanging from it and fall.  Without the bag, tragedy might result.  But with the bag, the fruit falls safely into the bag and waits patiently for you to come back out to the garden and find it.

    High Tunnel Evaluation of Vertically-Grown Cantaloupe and Galia Melon Varieties  

    Make Room For Melons

    While melons are readily available in the grocery store there are many reasons to grow your own. Home growing allows you to try many new varieties and old heirlooms not available in the supermarket. Organic gardeners can avoid using any pesticides or synthetic fertilizers on their melons.

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